teaching teaching n. 教え; 授業. 【動詞+】 accept the new teaching with an eager heart 新しい教えを熱心に受け入れる adopt teaching as one's profession 教員を職とする The principal did no teaching. 校長は何も授業を受け持っていなかった
practice 1practice n. (1) 実行, 実践, (実地で得た)経験; 練習, けいこ, (練習で得た)熟練, 手腕; 習慣, 常習, (社会の)慣習, 慣行, ならわし; 習俗, 悪習; 策略, 陰謀. 【動詞+】 abandon the practice of ringing a bell at the start of every working day 就業日の始めにいつも
umm ... how was your teaching practice ? あっ えっと...。 教育実習どうだった?
thank you for coming here for your teaching practice . 「教育実習に来てくれて ありがとうございます」
ministry of education , culture , sports , science and technology , education board , school superintendent , principal (president ), teacher , teacher ' s license , and teaching practice 文部科学省、教育委員会、教育長、校長(学長)、先生、教員免許、教育実習
however , while working in despair at yokouchi kankosho , a vocational aid center for former retainers of the shogun , he educated his son aizan through teaching practice of calligraphy and english , but simultaneously ichiro began to give himself over to drinking . だが、失意のうちに旧幕臣の授産施設である横内勧工所に務めながら息子の愛山に手習いや英語を教えてその教育に務めつつも酒に浸るようになっていった。